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Requirements and setup

To use jasmine-species in your project, you simply include it and the necessary dependencies into your spec runner. Below are the requirements:

For more information on setting up your your project to use jasmine-specied, see the Getting started guide.

If you have already taken a look at the Getting started guide, you know that the jasmine-species project provides two extensions to the awesome Jasmine BDD tool: Grammar (jasmine-grammar) and Reporting (jasmine-reporting). Here you will find descriptions of the features offered by each of these extensions.

Grammar extensions (jasmine-grammar)

The grammar component offers additional “words” for use in your Jasmine-powered specifications. In order to keep from polluting your global namespace, all the grammar elements are available in modules. Thus you have the choice to import only the modules or specific words you wish to use in your specefications.

Here we will look at the grammar modules available and what they offer.

Feature/Story grammar

Located in the jasmine.grammar.FeatureStory module.

What’s in it?

  • feature: Defines a suite tagged as a “feature”
  • story: Defines a suite tagged as a “story”
  • component: Defines a suite tagged as a “component”
  • scenario: Defines a spec

Trivial usage example

component('ATM', function() {
    feature('Withdrawing cash', function() {
        scenario('Enough funds to cover requested amount', function() {
            // ... blah, blah, blah ...    
        scenario('Non sufficient funds', function() {
            // ... blah, blah, blah ...    

Given, When, Then (GWT) grammar

Located in the jasmine.grammar.GWT module.

What’s in it?

  • given: Defines a suite tagged as a “given” step (marked as “isIntermediate”)
  • when: Defines a suite tagged as a “when” step (marked as “isIntermediate”)
  • then: Defines a “then” spec that marks the conclusion of a Given, when, then construct
  • and: Defines an “and” spec that is a continuation from a “then” statement
  • but: Defines an “and” spec that is a continuation from a “then” statement

Trivial usage example

var Account = function(balance) {
    this.balance = balance;

feature('Open an account', function() {
    scenario('I have $5', function() {
        var cash; 
        var account;
        given('I have enough money to open an account', function() {
            cash = 5;
        when('I open my account', function() {
            account = new Account(cash);
        then('my account balance should be $5', function() {

There are also propercased aliases provided for Coffeescript use, since ‘when’, ‘then’, and ‘and’ are reserved words.

Trivial usage example - CoffeeScript

Account = (balance) ->
  @balance = balance

feature "Open an account", ->
  scenario "I have $5", ->
    cash = account = null
    Given "I have enough money to open an account", ->
      cash = 5

    When "I open my account", ->
      account = new Account cash

    Then "my account balance should be $5", ->
      (expect account.balance).toEqual 5

Note: all the “words” in this module must only be used within a spec. These grammar elements create “runs” blocks as such they need to live within a spec block and not a suite.

E.g. you may not do this:

describe('My suite', function() {
    given('A pre-condition is met', function() {
        // ...

You may use the GWT grammar within spec blocks:

describe('My suite', function() {
    it('My spec', function() {
        given('A pre-condition is met', function() {
            // ...

Context/Specification grammar

Located in the jasmine.grammar.ContextSpecification module.

What’s in it?

  • concern: Defines a suite tagged as a “concern”
  • context: Defines a suite tagged as a “context”
  • spec: Defines a simple spec – similar to “it”

Trivial usage example

concern('Lists', function() {
    context('A new list', function() {
        var l = [];
        spec('Is empty', function() {
    context('A list with stuff in it', function() {
        var l = [];
        spec('Is not empty', function() {
            expect(l.length > 0).toBe(true);

Metadata grammar

Located in the jasmine.grammar.Meta module.

What’s in it?

  • summary: Adds summary content to the current suite
  • details: Adds detail entries in the current spec

Trivial usage example

You may only add summary metadata to a suite:

describe('My suite', function() {
        'Some relevant info about this suite',
        'Another less relevant info',
        'You get the idea ...'

You may only add details metadata to a spec:

describe('My suite', function() {
    it('My spec', function() {
        details('Some key details about this spec');

Note: Both these constructs are provided primarily to assist in describing features. The metadata they attach is currently only displayed by the StyledHtmlReporter that ships with jasmine-species.

Reporting extensions (jasmine-reporting)


The StyledHtmlReporter is a simple extension of the TrivialReporter that ships with Jasmine. It provides the following additional features:

  • outputs additional metadata generated by jasmine-grammar
  • provides an alternative visualization for the report – a simple css style sheet